BACP and Sakafat MoU


To boost Pakistani culture, provide platform to entrepreneurs and to conduct culture-exchange programs between Pakistan and Russia, Sakafat Forever and Business Association for Cooperation with Pakistan (BACP) signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The Sakafat Forever Director Mr Fazle Qadir and BACP Managing Director Mr Jawad Rehman were the signatories of the MoU. As per the MoU both BACP and Sakafat Forever will act as a bridge for improving the relations between Russia & Pakistan including cultural exchange and increased trade activities.

The new venture Sakafat Forever has been formed to show the positive and soft face of Pakistan. Through this platform of Pakistani culture and traditions will be shown to the world. In this regard, Sakafat is all set to launch culturally-rich products including Brass pieces, blue pottery products, Indus Valley Civilization-inspired jewelry, vases and play boards, truck art-painted scooters, hand stitched bags and countless other items. Sakafat will be a great platform for the new entrepreneurs where they can do business as well as promote the traditions of Pakistan. Furthermore, this initiative will highlight the hidden tourism gems and will show the real beauty of this country. This project will also search and promote the local artists, craftsmen, painters and other achievers showing the peace and art-loving people to the globe. Most important mission of Sakafat is to invite foreigners under culture exchange programs so they can personally experience the real Pakistan and dive into its diverse and colorful canvas.

Meanwhile, BACP is an institution of progressive, innovative and culturally motivated entrepreneurs who are striving to provide a much needed bilateral platform to showcase the cultures and hues of society including arts, wooden craft, leather goods, textile, sports products, beauty care instruments, tourism, industrial wear, surgical items and technology. This venture is an effort to create culture and business bridges between Pakistan and Russia and to introduce both sides with new norms, culture, society, people and shades of other country. Under this diverse umbrella, the young entrepreneurs meet new people, have more opportunities, get access to new markets while making the bond between two countries stronger.

Under this signed MoU, BACP and Sakafat Forever will act as a bridge for improving the relations between Russia & Pakistan including cultural exchange and increased trade activities. These two organizations, under their umbrella, also plan to provide the platform to Pakistani and Russian companies to expand their businesses in Russia and Pakistan respectively.

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