News on Dawn News Channel about Bike Ride Event

On 15 December 2019, Teams Business Association for Cooperation with Pakistan (BACP) and Sakafat Forever (SF) arranged a bike ride event to promote the true vibrant colors of Pakistan. The distinguished & enthusiastic riders from DGR (Distinguished Gentlemen Ride) represented the hospitality & the prevailent congenial environments in peaceful Pakistan on a sunny sunday morning.
Lahore; the Heart of Pakistan; lived up to its reputation. The galaxy of DGR members was joined by famous rider Ms. Ibadat from Lahore. The event was covered by Russia’s largest news channel, Russian Business Channel (RBC) as well as the Pakistani news channels.

SF and BACP, in line with Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision are working tirelessly to promote tourism and true soft image of Pakistan. Pleasantly, Conde Nast; world’s top travel portal; has listed Pakistan as one of the top tourist destination for 2020.

Later, souveniers were presented to Ms Ibadat by Mr Jawad Ur Rehman – President BACP and Mr Bilal Mustafa – Director SF.
The event ended on jolly note.

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