BACP Conducts Seminar ‘How to do Safe Business in Russia at MCCI

Multan, 14 March 2020: Multan – the City of Saints was the next stop for BACP in its efforts to promote the awareness about the Russian Market. The seminar “How to do Safe Business with Russia” was organised at Multan Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The seminar was hosted by Mr Mian Rashid Iqbal – Senior Vice President MCCI. It was attended by members MCCI and a number of businessmen repreneurs.
Mr Mian Rashid Iqbal – Senior Vice President MCCI warmly welcomed Team BACP and lauded Mr Jawad Rehman – President BACP for the efforts being put in to bring focus of Pakistani business community towards Russian Market.

Mr Jawad Rehman – President BACP thanked MCCI for the opportunity and briefed about the platform of BACP and its importance as a bridge between Pakistan & Russian businesses. Mr Jawad encouraged the business concerns to make use of the opportunity to increase the bilateral trade.

Ms Madina Tavitova Gerorgvina – Business Consultant ex BACP also briefed the participants about the various aspects of the doing safe business in the Russian market. Later, the participants enthusiastically participated in an Q & A session.

Later, Mr Mian Rashid Iqbal – Senior Vice President the MCCI Shield to Ms Madina Tavitova. Momentos were also exchanged between Mr Jawad and Mr Mian Rashid Iqbal. It was followed by a One-on-One meeting between both of them.

Complimentary Membership of BACP was also offered to the participants of the seminar that features benefits and facilities for the members.
Next seminar on the subject is scheduled at Sialkot Chamber of Commerce & Industry on March 17, 2020.

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